The Gecotec Nepal project aims at advancing education and health in Nepal. Basically, all chapters of the project are intended to develop self-help abilities and should over time become independent of support from Germany.
In 2008 we celebrated in Kathmandu the official start of our cooperation with Nepal Helping Education Foundation of Nepal (NHEFoN) lead by Ram and Maya Kumar Tamang. The idea was to enable orphans and children of destitute single parents to attend school.
We resolved to support particularly those children in Ram’s and Maya’s environment, the Tamang Social Centre of Kathmandu, who by their social need attracted their attention. We limited the number or sponsorships to 35 - 37 children. This way, we could develop personal contacts to children, parents and sponsors, and we could perceive them in their entire social context. It is intended to assist the children according to their capabilities till they can live autonomously and assure themselves their existence financially.
Additional project chapters in Nepal have developed from this cooperation.