In Nepal, high fees are charged for any type of study or training. Even for an internship a youth has to pay. State stipends are minimal. In Nepal, too, a start into a working life that will assure a livelihood, is only possible after training or studies.
What are the goals of the project?
- to give access to training or studies
- to assure a livelihood - independence of the children from foreign sponsors
- in the long term, to make NHEFoN less dependent on Gecotec funding through repayments of credits granted for studies or trainings
How do we achieve our goals?
- by taking case by case decisions to enter into credit agreements
- verification of learning progress of participants
Who are the participants in the project?
- school leavers of the school sponsorship project in Kathmandu
Prerequisites for participation
- the young adults come from families who cannot finance training or studies
- successful school finals at an adequate type of school
- confirmation of aptitude for the intended training or course of study
- the possibilities of own financing by the families or through scholarships must be examined and included in the overall financing
- consent of the youth to verification of his learning progress by NHEFoN and Gecotec
- commitment by the youth and of his family to repay the credit in small installments once he or she has taken up work
What would help us?
- sponsors who are willing by one off or regular donations to enable us to give training or study credits