The health station is in full operation since 04/01/2022!
Since the staff can live there free of charge, the attractiveness for well-trained nurses to work and live there in the remote region increases. There is a shared kitchen and two separate bedrooms.
The health station has been supplied with all reasonable equipment. Vaccinations are now administered directly in Gope thanks to a refrigeration facility. Previously, parents had to go to Phaplu District Hospital for vaccinations and check-ups. This is a day’s walk from Gope. For this reason, many families did not take advantage of medical check-ups. Blood tests on a small scale are also available on site at last. Sterilization equipment and respirators are available. Medicines and contraceptives come from a central government pharmacy. They are free of charge for the population.
All the necessary resources are now available for births and the care of newborns: Examination equipment, a room for births and for the care of babies, even with a warming crib for emergencies. The crib is one of the prerequisites for decreasing infant mortality. Even district hospitals regularly lack the equipment. Education about contraception and health issues is also part of a village nurse’s duties. In addition to the equipment, the knowledge and motivation of the nurse are always essential.
The mothers now have the opportunity to wash and take warm showers at the health centre. This is a great luxury that almost no one has at home, but which is very important during births. Fortunately, a knowledgeable midwife is now permanently available to the women and men. She also provides assistance during pregnancy, follow-up care for mothers and children, and the regular check-ups for the children.