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The time has come!

A new model of dental care in Nepal’s mountain regions
Dear sponsors and supporters,

With your support, an important project is starting: the first state dental practice for the mountain population in the Dudhkoshi district.


Thulung Dudhkoshi Rural Municipality,
Lokhim-Gope, Ward 9


Project start: April/May 2025

What is happening?

The first permanent state dental practice for the mountain population is being built in Gope, attached to the existing maternity and health centre.

Cooperation for better care

Following intensive negotiations between Ram Kumar Tamang (NHEFoN) and the local authorities, Nepal’s Ministry of Health has approved the establishment of the centre. This is the first time a model is being realised that offers sustainable and long-term dental care in the mountain regions - according to NHEFoN, there is no comparable concept to date. Many thanks to the local politicians who have supported this experiment.

What was agreed?
  • A dentist and an assistant will be sent to Gope on a permanent basis.
  • The practice will be open five days a week and offer prevention, education and treatment.
  • Staff costs and maintenance costs will be covered by the government - long-term funding has been secured.
  • Annual personnel costs: €10,800
  • Equipment of the practice: €15,500, financed by Gecotec e.V. and NB&G Switzerland
An official occasion
Handover of contract to NHEFoN
The health centre in Gope
Why Gope?

Gope is centrally located in the region and the site offers ideal conditions through the existing infrastructure of the health centre. There are no additional construction costs and a committed health committee supports the project on site.

NHEFoN is responsible for local implementation and will be able to stay in contact with the project in the future.

The need for the project

In the cities of Nepal, dental care is secured by public and private practices. However, dental health is one of the biggest challenges for the mountain population:

  • Dentists can often only be reached after a two-day walk - if they are on duty at all.
  • During the rainy season, the roads are dangerous or impassable, especially for old or disabled people.
  • Poor people can afford neither the journey nor the treatment.

Dental education is provided here and there in schools, but this is no substitute for help in the event of an emergency.

The result:
  • No prevention, no aftercare.
  • Teeth are often extracted unnecessarily, often under unhygienic conditions, resulting in severe inflammation and even death.
A sustainable solution

Until now, dental camps are being organised by international NGOs. These programmes, in which dentists travel from Europe or the USA, are helpful but not sustainable:

  • Each camp costs around €5,000. Two visits a year add up to €10,000 without providing long-term care.
  • Flight costs and the environmental impact of these missions are not included.

Our model with permanently employed staff is more sustainable and cost-effective: for €10,800 per year, long-term care is guaranteed.

We are of the opinion that the state has a responsibility to offer medical care to people outside the cities, too. Important progress has already been made in recent years through decentralisation. Together with our partners, we have been able to set up four maternity and health centres in the mountains, which are now fully financed by the state.

We also focus on sustainable approaches in our education programmes: Sponsored school children in Kathmandu have been receiving annual dental check-ups for many years and have access to necessary treatment at all times. This model shows how important continuous care is for long-term improvements.

Exchange with the health committee in Gope.
Conversation with women in Kimalung. They introduced us to the new concept for dental health.
This is what the paths look like in the rainy season.
Project day educational sponsorships Kathmandu.
How can you help?

The total cost of furnishing and equipping the practice is €15,500.

100% of your donations will go directly to the project - as always, we will cover all personal travel costs and expenses ourselves so that your contribution goes directly to where it is needed.

With your support, we make it possible
  • Long-term access to dental care in the mountains
  • Sustained education and prevention
  • A significant improvement in the quality of life for the mountain population

Together, we can make this model project a role model for other regions and improve healthcare in the mountains of Nepal in the long term.

Thank you very much, Namaste and best regards,

Gecotec e.V. Germany,
NEPAL Education & Health Switzerland and
NHEFoN Nepal

Information about our donation account can be found under Support us.

Donation Account

Gecotec e.V.
Commerzbank Köln
IBAN: DE12 6808 0030 0411 7438 02