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Village Clinic Betang

Construction news
It’s taking off!

On 11/1/2018 Ram will institute the building site for the new earthquake proof clinic / social centre in Bhorle Betang.

That we can start building on time, we owe to Ram who in September has made his way to Bhorle defying road blockages and the extreme rainy season of 2018. With the responsible committee and the village population he has once more talked through the forthcoming course of action, and he has checked the preparations, e.g. the production of broken stones which will be added to the cement.

The necessary piece of land for the required access to the building has been secured and was made over free of charge. Thus safe access, especially for patients and handicapped visitors, can now be assured, even, so we hope, in the rainy season.

Ram on his way to Bhorle
Discussion with the population
The plot
A bit of progress - Insurance of the workers on our building site.

During the building phase all craftsmen and workers are covered by accident insurance. A matter of course which still is not customary in Nepal, even for construction projects managed by NGOs. It took some trouble to find an insurance which was in a position to make an offer comparable to the cover provided by our trade associations. Ram has managed to get it!


The funding has been secured thanks to your steadfast support and our cooperation with the Swiss society NEPAL Bildung & Gesundheit.

What especially pleases us

One of the very first children we had sponsored at school now is ready to actively and competently contribute in shaping village matters. Gyanu Bhardur not only is member of the clinic committee but also the only inhabitant of Bhorle who now is completing international business studies. He can do so thanks to support by Swiss sponsors and a part time job that pays for the cost of his living.

Gyanu Bhardur
School opening May 2016

We wish to all involved a good time of building, especially a time without accident, and we look forward now to the start on 11/01/2018. The completion is planned for beginning of April. We will inform you about building progress and, if you have questions, will be happy to answer them.

A very cordial “thank you” to you, our donors, are saying the teams of

Gecotec e.V. Deutschland,
NEPAL Bildung & Gesundheit Schweiz,
NHEFoN Nepal and also, first and foremost
the people of Bhorle Betang

Donation Account

Gecotec e.V.
Commerzbank Köln
IBAN: DE12 6808 0030 0411 7438 02